I could never fully thank you for all that you did, all that you do and all the lovely things you taught me and our family. I would have to spend every moment of my life hugging you in order to do that. God has truly blessed our family with you, Grandma. You are so perfect in everything that you do. You love us unconditionally and for that we are grateful too. You are one in a million and we really mean it and everyone knows it. Our queen and one and only. You are always different and you never wanted to hide it. You are just amazing in everything you do. You wanted us to achieve and you were proud about it and your never giving up attitude motivated us a lot. We are very proud to say that we are your grand-children and people love to hear it.
I can remember my mom and her siblings used to say that you did your best to raise them up, educate them and guide them towards the future they are having today. Because of your unconditional love and strength directed them to be better people and to guide us in the same way. I know that you sacrificed a lot in your life because of us and you wanted us to get the best in everything. I can say that all your dreams have come true.
I can remember my mom and her siblings used to say that you did your best to raise them up, educate them and guide them towards the future they are having today. Because of your unconditional love and strength directed them to be better people and to guide us in the same way. I know that you sacrificed a lot in your life because of us and you wanted us to get the best in everything. I can say that all your dreams have come true.