
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm tired!

I'm just tired of my routine life style.
I just want to go somewhere very much green and calm 
to enjoy my self alone.
I want to be alone with all calm songs of small birds.
I just want to sing loudly with my heartbeat
I just want to feel the way I want,
I hate the noise around me right now.
I'm just closing my eyes and focusing on my thoughts.
I completely want to go where I want to go.
I just want to make my eyes happy
by seeing what I want to see.
I visualize a huge green garden with
a very calm breeze around me.
But no still I'm disturbed by the noise around me.
Even I cannot focus on the words I write, the things I do,
I have no idea how to be calm but
I want to be very much.
I'm quite a lot stressed, bored and tired again and again.
What is happening to me
I'm just tired again and again.
No matter what I focus,
but still I'm tired again and again...

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- Sharmila :)

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