position even though it has market research and analysis. Some people can call this as a fundamental mistake but I think all happened because life wanted me to learn some more. Well, I was offered a job in a multinational advertising firm and the current job I am doing. I was so excited because both the options are great. I did my best at the initial selection process for the position at the advertising firm but I the best story is about the current job I am doing.
I got a call from my current employer when I was at KFC exactly 19 months before. I was a bit surprised and didn't even care because I knew even if I go to this interview I would not get it. So what I did was I just forgot about it and was really excited about the job offer at the advertising firm. Because I knew I can perform very well.
After few days, I got another call from the same employer called me previously when I was at KFC. The caller was a lady and she informed me about the rescheduling of the interview. She asked me to come on the day after that day. Then I remembered about the interview, if she hadn't called I would have never ever remembered the date. So I just told her to count me as confirmed and I hung up.
So on the day of the interview, yes a big mess happened. My mom didn't know anything about this and she thought I would not be going anywhere. My phone was dead and the alarm didn't wake me up. I jumped out of the bed and just got ready as soon as I can and it was almost 8.30 am. Suddenly I lost the interest and I was like, it's okay let's just forget about this even though its a very good, hard to get in company. Then again another wave of thought, I want to work at that place because of the posh environment and the location of the office. It's a dumb opinion but I was a fresh graduate and I wanted it to happen. But inside my heart, I didn't want to get into that field, because I was not so good at it even though I have learnt Finance.
I took my phone and called back to the number from my received call list and a recording went off. I spoke to the telephone operator and told that I was asked to come to an interview but I wouldn't be able to make it at 9 am. So he transferred the line to the HR department. That known voice answered the call. I told her my situation and she asked me to come at 11 am. Yes then I had more than 2 hours to get ready.
I went to their office 15 minutes before the given time. I had to handover my phone and all the gadgets I had. The office environment and the crowd walking around was so cool. This office also was located at the 32nd floor in that particular building as well. Was sitting in the lobby area and a thin lady came out of a door and she introduced another tall fair man. I shook hand and went into the room behind the reception. It was well furnished and the view was amazing. Then the interview went well. He asked me about what I do in my spare time, I told him about my hobbies and suddenly he asked me to tell, why I liked the last read book. Thank god it was about the biography of Steve Jobs. Anyway I admire Steve Jobs and I had so many things to talk about him and I am sure because of that he was impressed. He grinned and asked me to wait. I was in that luxurious office room and another girl came in. She gave me a set of papers and explained what I should do. I tried my best to complete the papers but the accounting paper was hard. ATD test (A test to identify errors) was okay and then another analysis. All these took 3 hours and I left that place immediately.
After two days I got a call from the same number. Yes that was the same familiar voice. She told me that I have been selected for the next level and also she told me she has mailed me a test and I should submit it on or before 7 pm right after two days of that call. I agreed.
I checked my mails immediately and I saw I had to prepare an investment recommendation for a chosen company. I had to follow the guidelines given. I did the qualitative analysis and I knew that I have to add some quantitative aspect as well. I called my stock broker and asked how to valuate a stock, even though I have studied them at school and while reading for my degree. But in real life, I was a bit confused. He guided me and asked me to evaluate using few ratios and predict the share price accordingly. I did it. but before doing all these I had messed up thoughts in my mind, because I was not 100% sure about this industry and the knowledge I have. Anyhow I completed the assignment and replied back to the mail address sharp at 6.45 pm. Again after two days I got a call from the same number, familiar voice, she asked me to come to the office for the final presentation. I freaked out. She asked me to bring two copies of the analysis I did.
It was exactly like getting ready for a school test when the subject was so hard. But I took the challenge. I prepared my self, I learnt all the ratios and answers for the possible questions. Again and again I spoke to my stockbroker who is also one of my good friends. He helped me a lot. He taught me everything I want to know. Finally I went to their office for the final interview.
HR lady introduced me to another one, and she took me to another floor, which is the highest floor in that building. Then I got to know that they have more than 1 floors in that building. She took me into a meeting room and I thought I would have to meet some more people and present my case in front of all of them. But no one was there, it was only I and her. I was freaked out for a while because I was expecting questions from heavy financial analysis. But she was very friendly and she asked me few questions on finance theories and current affairs. I was able to reply most of them. She asked few questions from my analysis as well. I confidently replied to those as well. I was happy in a way.
At the end of the final interview she asked me, whether do I have any questions, I asked her, How's the culture at this place. She looked very happy to reply. She said there is no hierarchy everyone is approachable. We work hard and play harder. I was happy to hear that. I shook her hand and left the place.
In the evening at around 6 pm I got a call from that very familiar number. It was not the familiar voice though. She just confirmed that I was selected for the position and asked me to come to their office to collect the letter of appointment. I was jumping up and down. I straightaway ran to my mom to tell this good news. I forgot about everything. That was kind of a job I wanted with all other facilities including reputations I was looking for. My mom was very happy because that was my first proper job offer even though that was not the industry I wanted to get it. But I still don't know why I felt so happy.
I forgot about every other thing and I just collected all the documents she requested, including my passport size photographs and other certificates. Next day I collected my letter of appointment and my starting date was on 26th March and it was like 7 days away.
But now, I feel happy because I learnt a lot from this company and it was a great experience. I never say the industry matters. If someone is confident they can work anywhere they want but sometimes it depends since you cant be a doctor just like that ;). Because of the enormous knowledge and the experience I gained other employers recognize it as a value addition. Now I know how to valuate a company and also to come up with a good marketing strategy. Its a combination of the left and the right brain. Learning and day to day experience add value to our profile. Its not all about what you like, sometimes you get to do so many things even without liking. What I say is, always take in everything in a positive way. Since I was learning and doing my best at this company, I was able to easily market my self to the new company which is also a well reputed multinational. They were more than happy to hire me. They adjusted their timelines and allowed me to join after 3 months since my current employer wants 3 months notifications.
I left one opportunity for something better and learnt hell of a lot. But now doing it again to settle down in my field. So isn't it better?
Everything in this world has an opportunity cost.. we have to sacrifice something in life to obtain something much better.. :)