In Islam there are so many
successful examples and stories on teamwork and leadership. The father-son relationship of Ibrahim and
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Teamwork and Leadership in Islam
Monday, October 14, 2013
නිදන ලෙසට මද මරු මට හාදු දෙයි
නොනිදා ඉන්න! ඔබේ සුවඳ මට කියයි
මගේ සිතත් ඔබේ තුරුලෙම ලැගුම් ගයි
නලවන්නකෝ ලමැද තියා ස්නේහයෙන්..
වනපොත් වී ඔබේ රූපය මගේ හිතේ
මතක සුවඳ කවි සිත්තම් වී ගැයේ
මගේ මනස ඔබේ පහස නිති සොයයි
පෙම් සිතිවිලි මගේ සිත නිති කිති කවයි..
ඔබේ සෙනෙහස මතකෙට නැගෙනා විට
උණුසුම් කඳුලු පිපෙයි නෙතින් මුතු ඇට
පෙම් බස් දොඩන්නට කැමතී විටින් විට
ලං වී ඉන්න නිරතුරු වී මා ලඟට..
Saturday, October 12, 2013
සමනල සංධවනිය මට ඇසුන හැටි..
ඇසෙන විටෙක නොඇසෙන අහිංසක හැඟීමක් වටා ගෙතුනු ඉතා සංවේදී අමුතුම කතාවක් යැයි පැවසුවොත් මා නිවැරදිය. මෙම චීත්රපටය නරඹන විට මගේ සිතට නැගුණු හැඟීම් බොහෝය, කිමද මෙම කතාව අප කාගේත් ජීවිතයේ සිටින ඒ ව්ශේෂ, අපිට ලං විය නොහැකි වුවත් අමුතු බැඳීමක් ඇතැයි සිතෙන, අසාමාන්ය වූ නමුත් අතිපිවිතුරු, සුමිහිරි මතකයන් ගෙන එන, ඒ සුන්දර වූ හෘදස්පන්දනයයි. මෙය වචනයට හෝ
සමාජයේ පිලිගත් මතිමතාන්තර වලට හෝ සීමා කල නොහැකි එකකි. වාධීශ නැමති චරිතයද එවැනි අත්දැකීමකට
මුහුණ දෙන අහිංසක චරිතයකි.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Leaving it for something better
position even though it has market research and analysis. Some people can call this as a fundamental mistake but I think all happened because life wanted me to learn some more. Well, I was offered a job in a multinational advertising firm and the current job I am doing. I was so excited because both the options are great. I did my best at the initial selection process for the position at the advertising firm but I the best story is about the current job I am doing.
I got a call from my current employer when I was at KFC exactly 19 months before. I was a bit surprised and didn't even care because I knew even if I go to this interview I would not get it. So what I did was I just forgot about it and was really excited about the job offer at the advertising firm. Because I knew I can perform very well.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
මට පුළුවන් විදිහට..
මා බාල වියේ සිට හිතේ තිබූ හීනයක් හැබෑ කරගන්න පුළුවන් කාලයක් උදා වෙලා කියා පැවසුවොත් මම නිවැරදියි. දැනට මම මේ ව්යාපෘතිය තනිවම කරගෙන යන අතර එය ඉතා කුඩා පරිමාණයෙනි. මම දියත් කරන ඊලඟ ව්යාපෘතිය වන්නේ, අලුත් අවුරුද්දට පොත් ලැයිස්තුව මිලදී ගන්න බැරි නංඟිලා මල්ලිලාට පුලුවන් විදිහට දායක වෙන්න. මේ කටයුත්ත මහා පරිමාණයෙන් දියත් කිරීමට දැනට හැකියාවක් නොපවතින අතර, හැකිතාක් දුරට මගේ යහලු යෙහෙලියන්, නෑ හිතමිතුරන් දැනුවත් කර සියලු කටයුතු සූදානම් කර ඇත.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
කරුණාවති.. අහිංසක අම්මා කෙනෙකුගේ කතාවක්.
කව්ද මේ කරුණවති? පසුගිය දිනක කොලඹ ප්රසිද්ධ පෞද්ගලික රෝහලකට ගොඩවැදුනේ මගේ මහත්තයාට වැලඳී තිබූ උණ සහ කැස්සට ප්රතිකාර ලබා ගැනීමටය. නර්ස් නෝනා අප දෙදෙනා දොස්තර මහත්මිය වෙතට යවන තුරු අප රැඳී සිටියේ වෙද්ය කුටිය පිටත පේලියට දමා ඇති ආසන වලය. සුපුරුදු ලෙස මගේ නෙතට ගැටෙන සියලු දේනා අධ්යනය කරන මම දුටුවේ බාල රෙදිපටක් වුවද ඉතා පිලිවලට මසා නිම කල ඇඳුමක් ඇඳගත් මිටි කාන්තාවකි. ඇය ඉතා සෙමින් ඇවිද ආවේ ජංගම දුරකතනයකින් කතා කර කර අප දෙසට ඇදී ආ කාන්තාවක් පසු පසින්ය.. ඇයගේ කතාවට සවන් දුන් මට දැනගන්නට ලැබුනේ ඇය හිටිවන බුදු පිළිමයක් මිලදී ගැනීමට තැනක් සොයන බැවිනි. ඇය දුරකථනයෙන් දිගටම කතා කරමින් පැමිණ පුටු දෙක තුනක් එහායින් අසුන් ගත්තාය.
මා දුටු මිටි කාන්තාව මා අසල හිටගෙන ඇය දෙස බලා සිටි අතර දුරකතනයෙන් කතා කර කර ආ කාන්තාව ඇයට වාඩි වන ලෙස හිසින් සංඥා කලාය. ඇයද එම සංඥාව අනුගමනය කරමින් මා අසල වාඩි වූවාය. සුළු මොහොතකට මට අනුමාන කර ගැනීමට නොහැකි වුනේ මේ ඇයගේ මවද නැතිනම් අඳුරන කාන්තාවක් ද කියා. නමුත් ඇය මව විය නොහැකිය, කිමද ඇය අසුන් ගැනීමට දෙවරක් කල්පනා කල බැවින්.
මා දුටු මිටි කාන්තාව මා අසල හිටගෙන ඇය දෙස බලා සිටි අතර දුරකතනයෙන් කතා කර කර ආ කාන්තාව ඇයට වාඩි වන ලෙස හිසින් සංඥා කලාය. ඇයද එම සංඥාව අනුගමනය කරමින් මා අසල වාඩි වූවාය. සුළු මොහොතකට මට අනුමාන කර ගැනීමට නොහැකි වුනේ මේ ඇයගේ මවද නැතිනම් අඳුරන කාන්තාවක් ද කියා. නමුත් ඇය මව විය නොහැකිය, කිමද ඇය අසුන් ගැනීමට දෙවරක් කල්පනා කල බැවින්.
දුරකතන ඇමතුම අවසන් වූ විගස ඇය අනෙක් කාන්තාව සමඟ කතා කරන්නට පටන් ගත්තාය. "කරුණාවති, ඔයා බෙහෙත් ඕනාවට වඩා අරගෙන ඇඟට ඔය බෙහෙත් පුරුදු වෙලා, ඒකයි ඔය කිසිම බෙහෙතක් දැන් වැඩකරන්නේ නැත්තේ". කරුණාවති ඇය දෙස බලා අහින්සක සිනහවක් පෑවාය.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Still at office.. wondering
It's a hectic day and I am still at office waiting for my husband to pick me. Kind of bored but still have the courage to write something. I'm just seeing random things right now, yes my coffee helps me a lot to do that. Still people are around trying to figure out their work and specially how to say good bye to their office computer. Its just tiring to stay in this chair and look at the screen and even look into others work. But I just don't know how to get rid of it.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
My dear grandma
I could never fully thank you for all that you did, all that you do and all the lovely things you taught me and our family. I would have to spend every moment of my life hugging you in order to do that. God has truly blessed our family with you, Grandma. You are so perfect in everything that you do. You love us unconditionally and for that we are grateful too. You are one in a million and we really mean it and everyone knows it. Our queen and one and only. You are always different and you never wanted to hide it. You are just amazing in everything you do. You wanted us to achieve and you were proud about it and your never giving up attitude motivated us a lot. We are very proud to say that we are your grand-children and people love to hear it.
I can remember my mom and her siblings used to say that you did your best to raise them up, educate them and guide them towards the future they are having today. Because of your unconditional love and strength directed them to be better people and to guide us in the same way. I know that you sacrificed a lot in your life because of us and you wanted us to get the best in everything. I can say that all your dreams have come true.
I can remember my mom and her siblings used to say that you did your best to raise them up, educate them and guide them towards the future they are having today. Because of your unconditional love and strength directed them to be better people and to guide us in the same way. I know that you sacrificed a lot in your life because of us and you wanted us to get the best in everything. I can say that all your dreams have come true.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
My thoughts on Halal Issue
Some people might think, I am crazy or may be some might disagree with my opinion, But I would like to share what I feel.
Halal Certificate is a validation done by ACJU to check is there any way that the food or the product has HARAM assortments (HARAM means strictly prohibited in Islam such as Lard, alcohol or any other related byproducts) and cleanliness. YES it is true this is only for Muslims but not for any other religion and also it is a valid point because of this 8% population why everyone else has to pay for this.
First of all, obtaining the Halal certificate is a voluntary initiation. If the company wants to get it, ACJU processes the application and follows the procedure. A monitory value is incurred in this process and it depends on the size of the business. For a small business and if that business has 1-5 products they only have to pay 500-700 per month (It means on average, (500+700)/2*12 = 7200 per annum). If it is a large multinational company and having more than 100 products to certify the amount is fixed.
All the promotions, leaflets and other campaigns are specially done to educate the Muslims and definitely rest has the total freedom to neither reject nor ignore these. Obviously if the companies do not want to obtain this certificate definitely the business will not report losses since the Muslim population is just approximately 8% of the total population.
Some people might think this amount might be a huge cost and can affect the profitability but for this the best example I can provide is, a Halal certified small businesses’ product and an established non-Halal multinational’s product’s pricing structure is similar. There is no significant variation on the product pricing and it is a very simple economic theory where the price increases the demand decreases. Therefore, if someone is arguing a business is reporting loss because of this Halal Certificate definitely the company’s management will think twice than the customer to remove the certificate or exit the business.
We all are the children of Mother Sri Lanka and I wonder why all of a sudden these conflicts arises and the ACJU certify these products since 1924 as an independent, non-political, non-governmental national religious institution in Sri Lanka and ACJU was incorporated by an Act of Parliament No. 51 of 2000, with a membership of over 3,000 Ulama.
Anyone can reject Halal products and they have total rights to do it since it’s not a must to consume Halal products for non-Muslims. But as Muslims we do not request alcohol, drugs or any other illegal products to certify. End of the day I wish Sri Lanka always to be a peaceful country with religious harmony.
Halal Certificate is a validation done by ACJU to check is there any way that the food or the product has HARAM assortments (HARAM means strictly prohibited in Islam such as Lard, alcohol or any other related byproducts) and cleanliness. YES it is true this is only for Muslims but not for any other religion and also it is a valid point because of this 8% population why everyone else has to pay for this.
First of all, obtaining the Halal certificate is a voluntary initiation. If the company wants to get it, ACJU processes the application and follows the procedure. A monitory value is incurred in this process and it depends on the size of the business. For a small business and if that business has 1-5 products they only have to pay 500-700 per month (It means on average, (500+700)/2*12 = 7200 per annum). If it is a large multinational company and having more than 100 products to certify the amount is fixed.
All the promotions, leaflets and other campaigns are specially done to educate the Muslims and definitely rest has the total freedom to neither reject nor ignore these. Obviously if the companies do not want to obtain this certificate definitely the business will not report losses since the Muslim population is just approximately 8% of the total population.
Some people might think this amount might be a huge cost and can affect the profitability but for this the best example I can provide is, a Halal certified small businesses’ product and an established non-Halal multinational’s product’s pricing structure is similar. There is no significant variation on the product pricing and it is a very simple economic theory where the price increases the demand decreases. Therefore, if someone is arguing a business is reporting loss because of this Halal Certificate definitely the company’s management will think twice than the customer to remove the certificate or exit the business.
We all are the children of Mother Sri Lanka and I wonder why all of a sudden these conflicts arises and the ACJU certify these products since 1924 as an independent, non-political, non-governmental national religious institution in Sri Lanka and ACJU was incorporated by an Act of Parliament No. 51 of 2000, with a membership of over 3,000 Ulama.
Anyone can reject Halal products and they have total rights to do it since it’s not a must to consume Halal products for non-Muslims. But as Muslims we do not request alcohol, drugs or any other illegal products to certify. End of the day I wish Sri Lanka always to be a peaceful country with religious harmony.
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